alot has chanqed so far , PriwoSari dah tutup .
thats all ai can say , but one thinq's for sure thats not the end *smileeee*
will update kornq laqy about the kumpulan iye ,
hmms , nak tawu bende tak ? *qiqqles*
ita dah attached bohh ! hehs ,
with who ? when ?
with MyHunneyBunney (:
230510 , that special date . and ailovehim ohhhh so much ! :D
nak tawu saper tak ? nak tawu ? KPO je ehh !
hehs ,
nak tawu sanqat kan'kan'kan ? qy caryk tawu sendiri uhh siul .
ai have a mission to do first baru bley bilanq dehh who's MyHunneyBunney :D
ader lah sebab'sebab nyer .
be patient kay ? (:
ai wana see whats her reaction if she knows he's mine now (:
Hunney , youuh know ai know , public dont know *smile widewide*
before anythinq , ai actually already made up my mind to leave boify .
cause we had some sort of like a fiqht , and that he hates kude kepanq .
he asked mi to quit , and leave my passion .
after thinkinq of this problem like a few days , ai made up my mind ..
that ai cant leave ayah , ibu , amybby , efabby , budak'budak kude and drop kude kepanq .
ai was willinq to sacrifice , ai knew ai had to sacrifice somethinq .
either him or kude kepanq , so yeaah . ai actually wanted to leave him .
ai did say those words of stop contactinq and ai cried like hell .
ofcos , after that boify pujuk mi and asked mi not to leave him .
and he said that he allowed mi to continue with my passion . kude kepanq (:
but then ai was still a little mad , and ai already made up my mind .
ai still asked him to move on , but thank qod somehow everythinq worked out .
and riqht after that biq fiqht we had , boify made the move and asked mi to be he's .
officially bohh ! happy siul ita !
hehs ,
firstly boify said that he's cominq over to rumah ibu , cause ayah wanted to myt him .
for some reasons that ai cant and wont share .
boify tipu mi , sayinq that he qoinq to sleep . and not cominq over , amyybby and boify planned and tipu mi ):
ohhhh , sedeh kan ? ai know !
what the fvck -.-
ai was already pissed off like fvck siak cause boify paitao .
then while walkinq back to rumah ibu from my homey , thru plaza .
amyybby asked mi to open my eyes biq'biq .
ai was like , huh ?! for ?
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap !
saw boify walkinq towards mi -.-
cheeeeeeban !
then salamed boify , and walked to rumah ibu .
reached , ita mandy luh (:
then ayah talked to boify abit and ayah went off to work .
skip kay ?
spent time with boify and the rest at homey , until just now afternoon .
ai woke up around 230pm . then mandy all .
helped ayah nqan ibu kemas rumah , finished around 9pmplus .
siaped , and off with boify to amk *smile widewide*
to rumah biol , lepak there with them and boify .
okaay lah , dornq smuer pon dah start bubal'bubal nqan ita bit by bit .
luh , niy smuer pelan'pelan lah katerkan *keninq up up*
first'first malu , lamer'lamer tak tawu malu ! hahahahahahhaa !
siak uhh ita , hehs (:
faaaaaaaaake !
then lepak , about 4amplus tady cab-ed back homey .
and here ai am lohh .
hehs (:
ai'm supposed to sleep actually , but then ai want to update bloq and edit my taqqed .
so yeaah , after this will be sleepinq *smileeeee*
ai'm havinq loads of fun with boify , ayah , ibu , amyybby , efabby , budak'budak kude smuer , and boify's friends
*smile widewide*
smuer nyer friendly dehh :D
hmm , kay lah . thats all for now .
later maybe mytinq boify aqain , qoinq out makan . *smileeeee*
takecare , bye .
sayaanq aku peh HunneyBunney :D
Labels: HunneyBunney (:
@ 6:11 AM
phew , so far my life has really been enjoyable and tirinq .
sumpah dehh . have been just fillinq my time with kude'kepanq :D
my passion *winks*
ai've not update about what ai've been doinq lately , it has been so many days .
ai dont think ai can even remember what ai did so far .
ahahahaha !
sorry banyak'banyak iye *smile widewide*
ita takde time luhh , have been busy with kude'kepanq .
and as ai promised , pictures will be uploaded .
qambar kumpulan , and qambar kuaran kiter that time . on 29April .
and also qambar we took ramai'ramai (:
first of all , ita nak cakap bende .
to perfectbbyqirl , we've been apart for so lonq .
aimissyouuh , ai do . but theres nothinq ai can do .
ai've always been tryinq to fix our friendship , but it just dosent seem to work out .
so yeaah , ai quess this is just how the way thinqs have to roll .
ai just have to move on with life .
ai dont know why ai'm sayinq this , but ai'm doinq just fine actually .
ai'm enjoyinq the days of my life , eventhouqh ai do miss youuh .
so far , ai've been havinq a qood time , just like youuh .
youuhre also enjoyinq youuhre new life , youuhre happy with youuhre current life now .
and ai should be too , cause it isnt fair rite if ai would to think of youuh , qet stressed up .
while youuhre havinq fun , ai should also qet some happiness .
ai ddnt want any of this to happen , but this is youuhre choice .
be happy with youuhre choice , enjoy youuhre life . and takecare of youuhre self kay .
maybe ai'm just not perfect enouqh for youuh , ai'm sorry .
ai tried my very best , but its just not enouqh for youuh ai quess .
now youuhre back with eyya , youuhre should be happier .
youuh dont nyd mi anymore , yeaah ai qet it . no worries , ai understand .
ai'm sorry for not beinq that perfectbbyqirl for youuh , ai tried my best .
hais ,
all my sacrifices , love and care ai've qiven youuh all this time , just take it as memories kay .
ai dont reqret doinq all those stuffs for youuh , and ai dont blame youuh for anythinq .
maybe its mi who's at fault , ai'm sorry .
takecare , aistill do loveyouuh , aimissyouuh .
kay back , just now went over to Ibu's homey . the plan was to qo tenqok kude'kepanq .
cause thats what we do every weekends , but ohhh sedeh dehh .
tak jady , cause Kidd ader kat rumah Ibu .
khas buat Kidd , jaqer diri kau baek'baek kay . tak sanqke niy smuer terjady .
ai was hoppinq for the best , yet the worst happened . hais ,
jaqer diri kau baek'baek kat dalam , takmu uwat hal kay kat dalam .
2tahun , waahduhh . thats a very'very lonq time .
eventhouqh we ddnt spend that much time toqether , and we're not that close .
but when ai heard about the news , ai cried . ai did , tears ran down my cheeks like youuh were very close to mi .
Kidd , thinqs happen . ai know , life is always harsh . be patient to face this kay ? (:
kiter smuer sayanq kau lah batman ! hehs ,
Kidd Sanchino , samer kumpulan nqan ita . PriwoSari ,
dier naek court , and suspect palinq lamer terdudok 2tahun .
wow rite , ai know .
its qoinq to be hard for all of us , as dornq smuer rapat qiler nqan dier .
yesterday , 15May2010 . Kidd datanq rumah Ibu .
kiter nyayi'nyayi , then air mater ita nqan Efabby jatoh .
berat siul , bey after that . Kidd suap kiter smuer makan ,
one by one . awwwwww , sweet kan Kidd ? ita tawu ! (:
biler dier suap kiter , air mater dier dah bertakonq siul .
dier tahan maha tahan sak , wahhduhh . berat jack !
insyaallah Kidd bley jaqer diri dier pat dalam nanty .
this 18May , his courthearinq once aqain .
hopefully his sentence will be less . please ohhh please ! haiyo ,
satu'satu terdudok dalam siul . cam ane mau tahan sia like this .
tolonq lah , takmu cam niy . qosh !
basically , will be qoinq to rumah Ibu aqain later . maybe will be qoinq out (:
andand , for that special someone .
aimissyouuh , sumpah dehh . chattinq with youuh the other day made mi smile and lauqh alot .
waitinq for when we'll myt aqain . biler jumper kene ader huq iye ? *keninq up up*
sure'sure , mesty ader huq nyer luh . dont worry lah :D
aku rindu kau chicken butt ! *lauqhs*
the pictures ai promised :D
enjou *smile widewide*
it[A]myy (:
Grey's :D
on the way to Tedja at Kampunq Mlayu *smileee*
pink's , it[A]myy <3
ai'm youuhre oriqinal bitch *lauqhs*
hanya satu , tiada yanq laen :D
30April2010 , at Darat Nenas nyer kuaran .
Apit , Amyy andand ita (:
Remy , Erika , Apit , Amyy , ita .
qoinq to Tedja nyer kuaran at Kampunq Mlayu *smile widewide*
29April2010 , Priwo Sari kuaran . at Seranqoon ave4 opposite block 266 (:
toqether with Darat Nenas ,
from the left ,
Semut , Bob , Wan , Amyy , ita , Kidd :D
budak-budak Priwo Sari , not full . only half :D
top row , Erika , Apit , Cik Rep , Bob ,
second row , Amyy , Ita , Aqun , Remy , Kidd .
first row , Ibu , Ayah , Efa , Kak Ina :D
satu kumpulan , sehaty sejiwer (:
top row , Erika , Apit , Cik Rep , Bob .
second row , Amyy , Ita , Abq Hady , Remy , Kidd .
first row , Ibu , Ayah , Efa , Kak Ina .
Priwo Sari <3
kaykay , thats all the pictures ai promised .
hehs ,
waahduhh ! keycoh bohh , kuar ramai'ramai qytuh qerek ..
tapy smuer mulut tak bley diam -.-
hahahahaha !
ookaay juqak lah tuh kan , *smileeee*
ita sayanq kornq banyak'banyak dehh , sumpah :D
lookinq foward to myt that someone special , myt must'must huq lohh .
*smile widewide*
kay dah , ita nak qo rest :D
nampak ita kat kuaran ke aper , do tequr iye .
takecare , bye .
sayanq kornq banyak'banyak dehh :D
aper'aper text mi yeaah (:
Labels: sehaty, sejiwer (:
@ 9:39 AM
Labels: ai'll be movinq on, bye .
@ 4:25 PM
[ 29April , 30April , 1May , 2May , 3May .
too many thinqs happened . confusion , lauqhters , tension ]
hello humans ! *lauqhs*
ai've been away for days , ai know . sorry yeaah .
this few days have been tirinq for mi , sumpah .
ai ddnt qet to even touch my lappy siul , and ai quess that mi and CintaBaby is driftinq apart .
the thinq which ai never wish to happen , is happeninq now .
hais ,
firstly , 29April Thursday .
kuaran PriwoSari siul ! wooooohooooooo ~
28April , mi and CintaBaby slept over at rumah Ibu . cause the next day was our kuaran .
which is 29April . ai woke up around 12pmplus . penat qiler bohh .
mandy all , then makan and just talk-talk with CintaBaby , Amybby nqan Efabby .
at about 3plus , smuer pmpn went to siap .
went inside bilik amybby then smuer siap .
kak Ina makeup kan kiter smuer , first was Efa , next was mi .
then Amy then CintaBaby (:
after siap , tukar baju all and dudok smoke awhile .
pictures all will be cominq soon lah okay , cause ita takde time nak upload .
sorry ! but promise pictures cominq soon *smileeeeeee*
smuer tuwon bawa , naek van qy Seranqoon . Ayah nqan Ibu qy saner naek cab .
dalam van dornq ketawer-ketawer , bubal-bubal all . and we qot lost , tapy skjap je .
reached , tuwonkan baranq-baranq and dudok jap .
Seranqoon ave 4 opposite block 226 .
start kul 7pm ends at about 1030pm .
skjap je , hahaha !
qy blakanq , amy makeup kan the quys bey siapkan kiter smuer .
cut the story short kay , smuer dah siap then went back dudok jap .
andand , bytheway kan . on that day , Darat Nenas Jam nqan kiter *smile widewide*
waahduhh , ita nampak Irfan , Ahsod , Sakai , qeqel , Bapak nqan Mak !
happy siul , at last dapat nampak Ahsod Mabuk ! *smileeeeeeeee*
Ahsod tipu ita ! dier kater dier dah bukan Darat Nenas laqy , check-check dier jam tempat kiter -.-
cb dier ! *lauqhs*
skip , then sudah start dehh *keninq up up*
nerveous qiler babi siak ita ! bey CintaBaby tak uwat tarian nqan ita , cam ane ita tak stress .
kude tak cukup , so duer ornq kene kuar tarian . kirekan cumer 6 ornq je yanq uwat tarian -.-
semut , amy , ita , apit , kak ina nqan aqun .
first skaly , bayak bende cock-up . sumpah ! smuer dah manqkok rabak .
kay , skip .
bey CintaBaby maen qamelan sehh *keninq up up*
kusyuuk je ehh bby youuh maen qamelan ! *smile widewide*
dah biz tarian , bey budak-budak smuer start mabuk . *smileee*
budak DaratNenas yanq mabuk ; Ahsod , Sakai , MatNoh , Bapak , Dex .
budak PriwoSari yanq mabuk ; Semut , Aqun , Bob , Wan , Apit, abq Hady .
smuer dah biz maen mabuk , tarian uwat laqy skaly . request uhh .
bey tak dapat caryk aqun , so bob ambek tempat aqun and partner nqan kak ina .
semut partner nqan amy , ita partner nqan apit .
second time was better than the first time uhh , cumer baju uwat hal , nqan kude .
dah biz smuer naek van , balek rumah Ibu .
penat qiler siak , balek rumah Ibu je satu-satu tunqqu turn nak mandy .
bey paz tuh , smuer makan . dudok bubal-bubal then off to bed (:
next day , 30April .
banqun , mandy , makan . and just lepak-lepak kat rumah Ibu .
with CintaBaby smuer *smile widewide*
nothinq much happened uhs , just random stuffs . bey mi and CintaBaby both balek rumah .
rest at home with mmy , cause mmy missed mi sehh *winks*
then the next day , 1May .
woke up around 2pmplus , straiqht away went to mandy smuer and off to rumah Ibu .
reached there , tukar baju and tuwon bawa block .
CintaBaby tak dapat ikot cause she mytinq AdekRaikhan (:
ita tak makeup siul , tak sempat . tapy kan , smuer qy naek cab . so ita makeup pat dalam cab uhs (:
pat dalam cab pon jady ehh *smile widewide*
cab-ed to Yishun , cant remember what block . DaratNenas nyer kuaran ,
cab-ed to Yishun with Efa , Amy and Kidd :D
makeup pat dalam cab , reached there . dah jumper Ayah nqan Ibu smuer ,
salam-ed budak-budak DaratNenas , Bapak , Geqel , Ahsod nqan Irfan .
dudok and watch (:
supposed to be , abq Hady , Apit , Bob nqa Aqun jam tempat dornq pulak .
tapy problems came up , ader rule yanq dornq bley mabuk tapy tak bley pakai kude -.-
mepek kans ? ai know .
bey banner kene tuwonkan and tak bley cabok . wth ?
bey around 5pmplus , we went off to ToaPayoh pulak . watch Wijaya .
walked to the road side , and cab-ed to ToaPayoh with Kidd , Efa nqan Amy .
ToaPayoh block 5 loronq 7 .
reached , waited for Ayah smuer to reach . then proceed .
watched the show until maqrip , then bus-ed to ToaPayoh inter and off to Geylanq pulak .
qo watch Tedja (:
until endinq , which is 10pmplus . and off to Houqanq .
reached Houqanq , bus-ed back to senqkanq . and walked to rumah Ibu (:
sampai rumah Ibu , satu-satu tunqqu turn nak mandy . bey smuer mandy and makan :D
dah biz makan , dudok bubal-bubal with Ayah , Ibu smuer . biaser lah juqak , bubal pasal kude .
*smile widewide*
ai went homey half way , at around 4amplus .
tdo , bey 2May .
banqun , mandy siap and off to rumah Ibu .
sampai saner , makeup smuer and waited for Ayah .
cause planned nak qy tenqok telunq . tapy tak jady . so just dudok rumah and lepak aje .
and ai slept over rumah Ibu , tdo around 3amplus . penat lah sanqat dehh (:
bey banqun , Atuk Oberq ader pat rumah .
dudok bubal-bubal nqan Atuk , then Remy peh lah irrits . nonstop kacau ita -.-
Semut pon join sekaky . idiot !
bey went back homey around 6pmplus , after beli makan for mmy . cause mmy saket ,
and ita kene jaqe mmy *smile widewide*
kcian mmy , saket . apa dahh mmy niy ! makan obat taknak , cam ane nak baek ?
ishk ! deqil !
stayed homey lah all the way with mmy , thats why ai can use my lappy at last !
CintaBaby , whats happeninq to us now ? why are we like this ?
ai just hope that all this will be settled very soon , hais .
kay dah , ita penat luh . ita nak py tdo , penat qiler babi niy !
takecare , bye !
Labels: penat bohh
@ 3:21 AM